My Boss is a Jerk

(This is a work of fiction)
A few months ago, I got a job with a highly reputable company. I was lucky to have been one of the elite to partake of the training prior to being accepted in the company. It was a test by my now boss to see which candidates can work best under all circumstances and be able to deliver. I know I should be glad I have a job, but the truth is, my boss is a jerk. I will explain.
She is a very young lady, definitely not even in her 30s. She is chocolate in complexion and is indeed very beautiful. If we were both single and she was not my boss, I would definitely pursue her. She is a slim lady who is perfectly endorsed in the right places. Her hips curve perfectly just at the right angle to compliment her small waist. She has stern eyes. When she stares at you, you are tempted to confess all your secrets to her, hoping you successfully hide the fact that you think she is a jerk. She wears no make up except for a pinch of lipstick enough to get you staring at her lips like an idiot. Her hair is always in different styles, but natural. My boss is the true definition of African beauty. Except she is a jerk.
About a week ago, one of my colleagues left the boss’s office almost in tears. She is a young lady with whom I had started this job with so we were a team. I went over and asked her what had happened. She looked at me with anger in her eyes and told me ‘that bitch just told me to redo the work I have been doing tirelessly for the past week. And guess what? She wants it by Monday. It’s Friday Mark. Friday!’. I know women can be emotional hazards so I tried to come up with a consoling statement before walking back to my desk. I couldn’t come up with any so I just gave her a part on the back and walked away. She is not talking to me well lately. I don’t know why.
As I was approaching my desk, I saw my boss walk towards me. She had her eyes fixed on me. Just me. I tried so hard to focus on the right thoughts. Like did I finish my task? Did she see me with Anne and was coming to give me a warning? What did I have for breakfast? Am I hungry? What was the title of that song that keeps playing in all the matatus I board? Anything to keep my thoughts from drifting to her perfect self walking towards me. My boss walks as if she is weightless. Her feet touch the ground at very low volumes she could easily sneak up on you. I find this weird considering the fact that she always wears heels. She is not a tall lady but with her heels, she can easily dwarf anyone she wants. She was wearing a cream trouser suit on that day with a black sleeveless top. However, when walking towards me she wasn’t wearing her coat. Her perfectly toned arms were on full display. Oh no! I like my boss? This is not good…
She got to where I was and stared right into my eyes. She had to tilt her head to an angle to see my eyes and I could see that she hated that. I am a tall guy at 6’ 1”. My height did not seem to please her.
“Mark. Right?”
“Yes madam. That’s me.”
She stared at me as though I had just murdered her cat. I was scared already. She is intimidating.
“Please have a seat. I need to talk to you”
Did she just ask me to sit down? Politely? That was new. I froze. I kept staring at her like the bloody idiot that I am. Why did she need me to sit anyway? Was it her power position issues? I kept wondering as I finally composed myself to sit. I adjusted my trousers just a little bit to ensure all my business was in check and in case of anything, no one would notice. I tried being as discreet as possible, but I know I heard her chuckle.
“How can I help you today madam?”
“I talk first Mark.”
Brutal… But ok
“Sorry…” I gestured towards her and tried maintaining a composed posture.
“How long have you worked here Mark?”
“A few months”
“Do you know the exact number?”
“4 months”
“Wonderful. What exactly do you do here?”
“I am in marketing”
“Mark…What exactly do you do here?”
“I handle marketing and promotion of this company’s products and services. In addition, I also help boost the social media following”
“That’s now an answer.”
She then stares at her watch, then at her phone. Why would she need to check the time twice? Did she know just how uncomfortable her proximity made me? After a minute of silence, she cleared her throat and looked at me again. Her eyes are stern, but still magical.
“How much do you earn?”
“Per month?”
“Do I pay you any other way?”
“50000. Net salary.”
“Hmmm… Do you have a family Mark?”
“Not yet. But I hope to one day”
“Do you save for your family?”
“I do what I can madam”
“You need to stop calling me Madam. It makes me feel old. How would you feel if I reduced your salary?”
“Are you planning to do that?”
“Not really an answer Mark”
“I would feel really bad… honestly I might even consider looking for another job. I barely survive with the 50k.”
She did not talk to me. I knew I had messed up big time. Me and my big mouth! Couldn’t I have just kissed her ass and given her the answer she might have hoped for? But who ever knows what she thinks?
“Are you good at your job?”
“Yes I am”
“Would you like to keep it?”
“Yes. It’s hard finding a job in my field. I need this job.”
“Hmmmm…I need evidence of your ‘good work’ by noon. Is that possible?”
It was 10minutes to noon. That bitch! She did not walk away. She pulled a chair and sat on it. Swinging round and round as the clock ticktocked. I honestly was confused. I had no idea how to behave. How do I give her proof of my good work? Therefore, I decided to sell one of her company’s services as she watched. I made a call to a promoter friend of mine who is helping me look for a plan B job. I ensured the phone call was loud enough that she could hear both sides from where she sat. I told my boy to get me a client interested in the company’s services. A few minutes later, I had convinced a stranger over the phone to switch from their random suppliers and be loyal to us. All I needed to do was draft an agreement for the client to sign.
I had less than a minute left to midday. I turned to my boss and told her “am done”.
She glanced up from her phone and asked me calmly “do you want a raise?”
“Yes I do.” I had realized it’s straight forward answers that work with her.
“Ok. You might get a 7% raise starting next month”
“Thank you mad… sorry. Thank you”
She smiled at me and stood up. I stood up too. Just in case there was a handshake to cement the new deal. She just looked at me as if I was some lost puppy. She turned her glance across the room to where my colleague was. While still staring she asked me “why can’t some people just do their work efficiently?” I knew better than to answer that one so I just kept quiet. She went ahead and said, “I should hire your friend. The one who linked you to a client. Am firing someone soon”
What did she mean by someone? Was it me? Was it Anne? She was after all staring at her while saying that. She had just promised me a raise, not directly, but it should count. That someone couldn’t be me, right? If its Anne, do I give her a heads up? Or would that get me fired too? This lady acted like she was made of stone. Sometimes I suspect she was deeply hurt and completely shut down after that. But no one knows any fact about her. Except that, she is a jerk.
She turned and looked at me. Then turned to walk away. Her light steps fading as she disappeared into her elegant office. That was the second time I heard her voice, and the first time she talked directly to me. The first time was while she addressed all employees on the day I joined. Just as she sat down in her office, I got an email. It was from her. To paraphrase it, it said she needed an immediate report on all my accomplishments in the company and to notify me that I would be working on the weekends. Half a day. I literally had no words.
On that day, I left work earlier than usual. Coincidentally, I shared the lift downstairs with my boss. She maintained silence in the whole ride. Once we were on the ground floor, she asked me, “Am I a bad boss Mark?”
That was not one of those questions that needed honesty. So I told her “No, you are a good boss”
She smiled at me and looked at her watch.
“See you tomorrow. And don’t be late”
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