We, or I, hold the church in such a high esteem, that I do not expect blurred lines when it comes to a church versus state debate. I expect to see a clear distinction, with the church diligently executing its mandate.
As it turns out, the one who prepared the meal was told there is a team coming and they want 2Kgs of ugali. 2Kgs of Ugali! Not beef. Ugali. I have eaten in so many hotels and never have I ever heard someone specify the amount of Ugali they will eat. Never.
As I write my narratives, I continue to embrace the emotions and the melodies that resonate with my soul, cherishing the memories of those who have touched my heart, even if they ultimately slipped through my grasp. For it is through these encounters that I have discovered the true essence of love and life, in all its multifaceted forms.